Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Power of Five: Part Four

This one will be short because I don't have a lot to say about this.  The fourth characteristic that we see from Ephesians 4:11 is the Pastor.  I believe that not all people are called to be pastors and I will even venture to say that not even all Bible college students are called to be pastors.  The role of the pastor is more than just preaching on Sundays.  The actual role of the pastor is more about caring for people in the congregation that anything else.  We see many pastors who love to speak and fill their weeks up with business; however, the pastor's first priority should be people.  Now I know this becomes much harder in larger churches; however, a pastor should never become so consumed with the managing of the church and its staff that he loses touch with the real every-day needs of his people.  People are going through divorce, financial crisis, suicidal thoughts, affairs, out-of-control children and work issues every single day.  That list only represents a few problems.  There are many more I'm sure.  The bottom line is simply this:  We need to teach people how to take care of life's problems with some work on their own, but from time to time we need to be there to help pick up the pieces of other people's broken lives.

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