Friday, January 9, 2009

What's The Purpose of Church - PART TWO

I do appreciate any of the comments that are being left.  Now that I have read some of the comments via this blog and facebook, I realize that I should have phrased the question differently. The real discussion I was looking for was not the purpose of church (the body of Christ), but more like what is the purpose or what should be the purpose of a Sunday Morning Service?  Is it to solely reach the lost or is it to strengthen and teach the body how to reach the lost outside of Sunday Morning.  I ask this because some churches are seeking to reach the lost in their Sunday morning services and have done things to make services more friendly to the lost.  Some people have said that their purpose for Sunday morning is not to reach souls, but to train the already saved on how to reach souls outside of Sunday morning.  I am looking for comments and discussion on this.  Do you think Sunday morning's purpose should be evangelistic or discipleship in other words?  What type of messages should you be preaching?  Give answers and then explanation as to why you think what you do.  Thank you so much

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